The Promoter



We have had issues with solicitors within the Community, these companies have been notified that there is no soliciting within Potomac Heights. If you continue to have unwanted solicitors at your door, please ask them to leave and call the Charles County Sheriff's office at 301-932-2222 to report them.

Schedule B Work

We are taking Schedule B work orders. The cost is $25 per man hour plus materials. Please contact the office for your estimate.

Spring Inspections - 2022

Spring inspections will begin May 2, 2022. Once all inspections are completed, the forms will be mailed.

Trash Services

Evergreen Disposal Services (240) 468-6677. Bulk items must be scheduled with the trash company for pickup. A bulk pick up charge will be the responsiblity of the member and may be due before pick up. Please contact the trash provider for that information. Trash pick up is on Tuesday and Friday. Recycling is every other Wednesday. Please go to the Charles County Recycling webiste for the scheudled pick up days. Please place your recycling bin curside before 7am that morning to ensure pick up. Please return the recycling bin back to your dwelling after pick up. Cut down on trash collected by utilizing your Recycling Service as much as possible. Charles County Recycling is still operating.

Office Hours and Closings

The Potomac Heights Housing Office is open Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm. The Housing Office and Maintenance Shop will be closed in observance of the following holidays:

Date Time Holiday